Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Is There Room For *Another* Swimming Podcast?

Veteran coaches have amassed a huge library and storehouse of knowledge, experience, and information during long careers. The question of "how much is worthwhile?" is left up to those who follow and consider.


Bob Button and I have over 80 years of coaching between us, from LTS to summer league, high school to college, and beginner lessons to top-group club coaching.


With all the extra time forced on us by the current health situation, we embarked on a new adventure together, developing a new swimming podcast. It is not the usual "top coach interview", "top swimmer interview", "recruiting and other college news", or anything like that.


We call it simply, "SWIM TALK". More precisely, "Swim Talk A2B - Everything you wanted to know about swimming, from A to B". Abbott is the "A", Button is the "B". We talk about wide and varied aspects of swimming, and anything else we want. We have interviews, we banter, we share non-swimming news and magazine articles that relate to swimming (in our view, anyway), we drink coffee and hot chocolate.  We have fun, we get serious, we offer a slightly different slant on things aquatic. And other things, too.


Join us for Episode 002: Zooming Through Isolation; Solitude and Creativity. (Episode 001 is still in production, the dog ran off with the tape, we're still looking for it.)


It's on You Tube here, if you like it, tell and share with others on all of your social media, if you don't, just stop sending us cards on our birthdays.